Monday, August 31, 2009

In memory of Yasmin Ahmad

Today is Malaysia's 52nd Merdeka celebration and for this year there would not be the usual Petronas ad for the occasion. The director of such ads in the last couple of years, Yasmin Ahmad, has passed away a little more than a month ago of a stroke and subsequent brain hemorrhage.

Most Malaysia are familiar with her ads aired locally but she has also made two ads for the Singapore Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports. For Singapore to employ her in making their ads speaks volume for her talents and Malysia Boleh-ness and also their willingness to employ talents regardless of their origins. Below is one of the two ads, Funeral and another plus for Malaysia Boleh is that the lead actress, Jo Kukathas, is another Malaysian popular in the local arts scene.

The other film for the Singapore Ministry is simply titled "Family". Like in other Yasmin's works, it is both sad and funny and carry a poignant message at the end.

Enjoy Malysia Boleh products on our Independence Day!

Ronald Kwok

Friday, August 14, 2009

Taxi Drivers

Another criminal trick, guys must also read and alert your female friends, relatives, etc. especially if they use the taxi.

"KL Taxi Driver....Girls please read this!!!!

Please take a few minutes to read this and please pass it on to every
female you know and care about.. On Saturday, 4th July 2009 at 6:45pm
my sister boarded a taxi at the Wangsa Maju LRT to return home. At the
end of the road, the taxi driver stopped to pick up another male
passenger who seemed to be going off the same direction. Well, my
sister didn't suspect anything funny as they looked genuine, and he
was going her direction and she was in a hurry.. Little did she
suspect that she was in for a huge trauma!

But when she asked the taxi driver to turn into the junction where she lives, the driver pretended to miss it and the male passenger said that since they were already nearer to his place, why not send him off first and the driver
politely asked my sister if that's ok and she thought she was doing a
good deed!

As soon as they got to the end of the housing area next to
the big walls of the Academy TV3, the male passenger, locked all the
doors and leapt to the back and held a knife at her throat and forced
her to bend her head down - she had to give up her jewelry, and the
$200 cash she had. Not satisfied with only that much, they threatened
for more so they drove off to Maybank Jln Setapak and took out
everything she had that was around 7:30pm ....

The driver returned the card after clearing the account! Then they drove off to the back area of Tasik Titiwangsa and dropped her off there. Left her with only $10 and ask her to take another taxi home! My sister had to walk a long
way back to the main road to get help and she is really traumatised by
all these. Later at the police station we found out that she was
victim #3 that same day!

Let's remind everyone we know, as it could easily happen to us too or to anyone we care about.

The lesson to be learnt here:
1.. always check the plate # BEFORE you board a taxi.
2. always check the other things that a taxi should have - the
driver's ID, the inside number etc, etc.
3. NEVER allow the driver to pick up another passenger - No matter
what! If they do, get off and just pay the man.
4. avoid taking the taxi alone, if you can.
5. be extra careful if it is after office hours. "

Ronald Kwok

Criminal Tricks - Watch out

I am not sure if this piece originated from Malaysia but with the crime rate here increasing at an alarming rate, it is better to be careful than be sorry. It could also happen here so watch out for these tricks.

"Please watch out for the following criminal tricks ..

(1) Today I passed by a building which has an ATM machine. There was an old man looking at me. Suddenly, he called me. He said he didn’t know how to read, so he gave me his ATM card and asked me to help him withdraw money from the ATM machine. I answered ‘NO! If you need help, ask the security to help you.’ Then he said ‘never mind…’ and continued to find other people to help him…
REMEMBER: ATM machines have CCTVs. If you help him he will later claim that you have robbed him or stolen his ATM card. Besides, his ATM card could be a stolen one. So please be careful of these tactics.

(2) Suddenly your house lights go off. >From your window you find that your neighbours still have their lights. So you go out of your house to check the Meter Box. But once you open the door, a knife will be pointing at you and preventing you from closing it. This is when you will be robbed and injured.
REMEMBER: Even though your electricity suddenly goes off, DO NOT open your door immediately. Look around to see if there is anything unusual or if there is any noise around.

(3) This is another incident. You may have heard about it before; it is about a lady who saw a kid crying by the roadside. When she spoke to the kid, the kid told her he was lost and wanted her to take him home. The kid even gave her a paper with his house address. So she took him home. But when she rang the door bell, she had an electric shock. Later when she woke up, she was naked in an em pty room.
REMEMBER: Being such a compassionate and helpful person might not be a good thing these days. Girls, please be careful. DON’T BE TOO KIND!

(4) One day, there was an old lady outside my house holding two packets of sweets. At first I thought she was our neighbour and wanted to give us these packs of sweets as a gift. But then when she spoke, I realise that she was foreigner. I could not understand what she was talking about. I guessed she must be asking for money. I sensed there was something wrong and immediately closed the door and ignored her. Later, I found she and an accomplice robbed someone else down the road.

(5) I was at the ATM machine to withdraw some money. Behind me, there was an old lady. She asked me whether I was able to withdraw my money because she said she had probl em with the machine. Suddenly a small girl came up beside me. The small girl was tugging and squeezing in front of me. I thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl placed her hand inside the tray of the ATM machine where the money was being dispensed out; ready to take away my money. I sensed something wrong and immediately pushed her away. Later I realised that the small girl and the old lady worked hand in hand together. She was trying to steal my money while the old lady was trying to distract my attention by asking me questions!
REMEMBER: BE VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert. Look out for anyone suspicious around you!

(6) My parents are retired and stay at home most days. One afternoon, a young stranger went to their house and said his motorcycle had no more fuel and the petrol station was too far away, for him to push his bike there. So he asked my parents for an em pty coke bottle to buy some petrol. He said he will pay RM2 for the bottle. So my mum gave one coke bottle to him. He really took out the money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note. He told my mum he had no small change and asked my mum to give him the change. Luckily my mum was smart. She just told him to take it for free.
REMEMBER: obviously that note is fake! Who would want to pay for RM2 for an em pty coke bottle! It’s very OBVIOUS that that stranger was a trickster.

(7) Let’s just shorten this story. DO NOT open your house door when you hear the sound of a BABY CRYING! It might be a trap! Women in the house must be alert to this form of trick. The police said it is the work of a robber or murderer using the recording of a crying baby to attract your attention. This normally happens at night and when you are alone in the house."

Ronald Kwok

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Power to Tenaga

This is what I received in my e-mail a few days ago but there was no attachment so use your imagination!

"TNB did this to public?
> pls just check ur TNB bill..
> This is a TRUE story.
> Do you check you TNB bill?
> Just check how much to pay and how many units used is not enough......
> Do you compare the Meter reading on section
> 'DAHULU' (Red circle) with previous month?
> (refer attachment below)
> In this case, the April bill on DAHULU section is 29128,
> SEMASA is 29380..
> After paying the bill, the problem came....
> When the May bill came,
> the DAHULU section by right should show 29380.
> BUT NOW, it is still showing
> 29128, the same as per last month.
> If we don't compare with last month, frankly,
> I would have HAPPILY paid for the bill and
> TNB would HAPPILY got the extra RM72 from me.
> At last,
> all the TNB shareholder got smart dividend from our hard earn money.
> Due to this bad service....I plan to change service provider.
> Opps...oops!!! there is no alternate service provider...
> The alternate is to buy your own generator, use candle...
> but I guess no one will go for the alternative service provider....
> So... please check your bill and compare it month by month.
> Our PM tried very hard and told us that we have to be very SMART SPENDING &
> MUST compare.......
> his motive is very good because
> he knew something bad will happen and lot of giant companies might use a
> VERY SMART way to COLLECT/CON money from the general public.
> Thanks to our great PM......
> now I really compare the price always.....
> and notice the brilliant idea from TNB.
> I am not sure if this is a mistake, but I don't think this is a human
> error...
> Now,
> the best part is, they claimed it is a computer error.
> If you don't discover this,
> then you have to pay for the EXTRA (this case, we got to pay extra
> RM72.80).
> If you noticed the problem....easy, they just refund to you,
> BUT do you know how time consuming and the trouble to get the refund?
> Why their mistake is our cost? why there is no compensation on their
> mistake?
> The BEST part, how many people know they are actually,
> & happily OVERPAID?
> When TNB officially want to increase the unit price....
> everybody was jumping and complain.
> How they are going to get extra and people won't complain?
> Ah...this is an art,...
> an art to con people's hard earned money.
> This is the evolution of TNB billing system.....
> let the computer system do the mistake....
> but the mistake MUST BE FAVOURABLE to the company.
> Come....
> we should proudly say :
> Malaysia Boleh,
> Cause we really
> BOLEH!!"

Ronald Kwok